Saturday, 29 September 2007

Thoughts of today

The sun is shining but as ever in the land of the Scots, it's cold. Instead of basking in the bite of the chill air outside I decided to attempt to open up my old blog again... I failed. So now I have another new blog to clog up the "blogosphere" as I can never seem to have the ability to access a blog more than once.

"Thoughts of Today" is the name of this blog but really the thoughts in my mind today appear to be the same as any other day my thinking cap is on. It's in my nature to question everything.

How can it be that some people have the ability to determine how others should be or what they should be like so they can feel and be "accepted"? If someone wants to dress a certain way or do certain things, why should they be punished for wanting to do so? With growing commodity fetishism, people feel that with more or "better" stuff, they feel they have the power to control others if they have (in their opinion) an insuficiant amount of stuff. Survival is necessary, "stuff" is excess with no purpose. It shouldn't command who is the metephorical "king-of-the-castle", but it often does.

Why does it have to be like that? Why do some people have to feel two feet tall around others? Why do they have to hide when people make fun of certain aspects of who they are?

People say that no one is more cruel than kids. Never a truer word was spoken. It just so happens that many never grow up or out of the habit cruelty becomes. Find the easy target & hit it till it breaks.

"Geeks" are a stereotypical collective that are often verbally bashed or indeed physically but what the "cool" people don't realise is that "geeks" are some of the nicest and most loyal people they will ever meet and will one day in their futures, rule the world.

"To be nobody-but-yourself - in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." - E. E. Cumming

Never let them win, never stop being you and never make anyone else feel like they don't belong. You could have lived their lives instead.


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